Research Proves You Can Reverse Aging with Forever Young BBL Treatment

7 min read

Get Genetically Younger Skin Using Sciton Forever Young  BroadBand LightTM Treatments

Sciton Broad Based Light Treatments

There are so many claims out there by laser companies about how their treatments can help people turn back time in terms of skin aging. How are doctors and their patients supposed to be able to navigate these various claims?

Breaking Down the Claims

The trouble is that most of these claims are hard to substantiate with real science. In addition, while some technologies can cause an improvement in the appearance of skin, it’s unclear whether anything deeper than just the simulation of younger skin is taking place. It’s like when a person puts on makeup to cover up skin imperfection–the skin isn’t necessarily being rejuvenated; it just looks rejuvenated. All the makeup is doing is camouflaging irregularities, while the underlying skin imperfections remain unchanged.

The same question can be asked of the many laser, light and energy treatments in the marketplace today: Are they actually improving the skin, or just creating the appearance of improved skin?

Some treatments give minimal to subtle results, while others can cause quite noticeable changes in a person’s skin. But is this similar to makeup? Are the changes simply superficial, without any long-term results? Or is there something deeper going on which can give both short-term improvement and long-term results at the same time?

Recent research performed at the Stanford University School of Medicine sheds some light on this subject. This research has shown that one specific treatment device, called Forever Young BBLTM (BroadBand Light), can cause both short-term and long-term improvement. In addition, the research shows that the device causes changes in the actual DNA of the skin cells that makes them behave like younger cells.

How Forever Young BBLTM Works

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a molecule in our cells which lies in the center of the cell in a structure called the nucleus:


Our DNA is a record of instructions telling each cell what kind of cell it is going to be and how is should function. With age, our DNA becomes damaged by the environment and the general aging process. This aged DNA makes the cell perform less effectively and act as an “older” cell.

When it comes to skin cells, the top layer of our skin (known as the epidermis) is generated by its deepest cell layer (known as the basal cell). If this basal cell is healthy, all of the cells above it are healthy. If the basal cell is unhealthy, all of the cells above it are unhealthy. Interestingly, sun exposure will affect the DNA of this basal cell and make it unhealthy, which often happens with age.

Skin Layers

Some deeper rejuvenation procedures I perform, such as my Reset® Laser Festoon Treatment and Laser Skin Resurfacing, are able to fix this DNA damage, but these procedures do have some downtime associated with them.

What makes the Stanford study truly groundbreaking is that it showed that Forever Young BBLTM treatments have little to no down time and were able to stimulate skin cells back to a younger state by rejuvenating the actual genes and genetic code in the cells themselves.

The study compared the skin of:

  1. young people who never had  BBLTM treatment,
  2. older people with sun-damaged and aged skin, and
  3. older people with sun-damaged skin who had undergone three BBLTM treatments over the course of three months.

Small skin biopsies were obtained from all three groups and were then analyzed for their genetic components. Researchers looked at youthful skin at the genetic level for the markers which indicate younger skin cells. They then examined the aged skin treated with BBLTM and noticed that these cells, as compared to those not treated with BBLTM, had ½ of their markers (1,000 genetic expressions) reverted back to the state of the younger skin cells.

RNA Expression Skin

Cosmetic surgeons knew that BBLTM treatments caused improvement to the appearance of fine wrinkles, brown spots in the skin and red spots and vessels in the skin. But what we didn’t know was that beyond the surface improvement that was achieved, a deeper healing at the genetic level was occurring—and this means the tissue was truly being “rejuvenated”:

Before and After BBL Treatment

So with this treatment, not only are we getting quick results; we’re likely also getting long-term rejuvenation as well. All with a treatment that has:

  • Zero downtime: Patients can resume normal activities immediately.
  • Long-lasting results: Studies include patients treated 10+ years ago.
  • Fast treatment: Average treatment time of 12-15 minutes for a full face.
  • Effective on all body areas: Face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

The Benefit to You (and Me!)

Breakthroughs like this Forever Young BBLTM study are always exciting for me as a doctor, because I am always striving for new ways to help my patients achieve a long-lasting improvement to their appearance—not just the appearance of an improvement, but an actual, deep-seated change that literally reverses years of damage. (To know that Forever Young BBLTM involve little to no downtime is just icing on the cake.)

It’s wonderful to be able to help people look and feel better about themselves through a range of services, including this new technology. Now we can tell our patients that the treatments they’re having to improve their immediate appearance will also have a beneficial effect on their skin aging for years to come. It’s a win-win for everyone.

For more information on this procedure, and others we perform to help our patients restore, reveal and reclaim their natural beauty, please visit


“Rejuvenation of Gene Expression Pattern of Aged Human Skin by Broadband Light Treatment: A Pilot Study.” Anne Lynn S. Chang , Patrick H. Bitter Jr, et al. Investigative Dermatology (2013) 133, 394–402; doi:10.1038/jid.2012.287; published online 30 August 2012.