RESET® Festoons
Restore your skin and return to your youthful look.
Most often, Dr Scheiner recommends a surgical plan with a combination of procedures. Patients can expect to receive estimates ranging from $7,500 -$55,000.
RESET® for Festoons
RESET for Festoons is a transformational advanced deep resurfacing surgical procedure for eyelid rejuvenation and the removal of eye Festoons (also called Malar Mounds). RESET eclipses what’s been possible before, repairing this difficult-to-treat condition and structurally reversing the impact of gravity and aging on the skin. It consistently provides excellent, lasting results.
What are Eye Festoons?
Festoons, also known as malar mounds, are a medical condition in which the skin of the lower eyelids and cheek regions becomes swollen with fluid as a result of sun damage, lifestyle factors, genetics, or the natural aging process. They are different from lower eyelid bags and can become large enough to block vision.
Festoons are among cosmetic surgery’s most challenging problems.
Dr. Adam Scheiner’s proprietary RESET technique repairs this difficult-to-treat condition, and is the only surgical correction that consistently gives excellent, lasting results.
Request AppointmentBenefits of RESET® for Festoons

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