Medical Minute: Can I go into the Sun again after RESET Laser Skin Resurfacing?

2 min read

Laser skin resurfacing is a wonderful way to remove years of sun damage, skin wrinkles and early skin cancers. It works by removing selective layers of the skin and then allowing the body to regrow those layers, but this time as new skin without the previous wrinkles, sun damage and early skin cancers. When I perform an advanced form of laser skin resurfacing, I can treat eyelid Festoons and Malar Mounds and RESET a person’s skin back to a healthier, younger and more attractive state.

A question we often hear from our patients after my laser resurfacing RESET procedures is whether they can ever go into the sun again. Now, the sun unfortunately isn’t a great factor in the health of our skin. Its UV rays are constantly (and negatively) effecting the health of our skin over our lives. But after a person’s skin is RESET, that doesn’t mean that they can’t go in the sun ever again. I do tell my patients that they can go to the beach, boating, the golf course, skiing, etc. — but it’s important that before they go out, they apply sunblock on all exposed areas of their skin. In fact, I recommend that they wear sunblock every day before they leave the house and even on days when they don’t plan to go outside. It’s important to make wearing daily sun block a habit throughout our lives.

If my patients go into extended sun after my RESET procedure, all I ask is that they apply sunblock before going out and, if they are out longer that 3-4 hours, that they bring sunblock with them and re-apply during the day. This, along with sunglasses and possibly a hat, is a great way to maintain the results of their RESET procedure for years to come.

So the answer to whether it’s possible to go in the sun again after Laser Skin Resurfacing is YES, but only after practicing SAFE SUN precautions and taking means to protect the new skin from additional sun damage.