Medical Minute: Can You Reverse the Signs of Aging on Your Hands?

2 min read

Today we have many options available to help eliminate signs of aging on the face. These techniques and treatments can restore a patient’s appearance back to a younger, healthier state. But as you know, the face isn’t the only thing that ages. Our hands can age too, and if they age severely their appearance can be out of balance with how our faces look. This can result in our hands indicating that we’re older state the story our restored and younger-looking faces tell.

What happens to our hands as we age?

There are three factors that make our hands look older, and they’re similar to what contributes to facial aging. The first sign of aging takes the form of skin spots and sun damage. Many of us put sunblock on our faces and necks but neglect to put it on our hands. This can lead to sun-damaged skin that has wrinkles and age spots. The second sign of aging affecting the hands is volume loss. Volume loss in the hands leads to the tendons in our hands becoming visible. The third and final factor in making our hands look older is dilated veins that appear on the top of our hands.

Treating Your Aging Hands

There are good options available to address each of these conditions that can restore your hands back to a younger, more attractive state. For spots on the hands, broad-based light can clear up spots and reveal an even complexion. For volume loss, fillers like Radiesse have been approved for adding volume back, and will reduce the visibility of tendons. Finally, veins on the hands can be treated by sclerosing hand vessels: this provides a permanent resolution for swollen hand veins.

Aging hands can betray our age, and the impact is particularly pronounced when you are vigilant about facial rejuvenation. These three options are a great way to make sure your hands and face are saying the same thing about you.