Medical Minute: The Myth About Cosmetic Surgery and Vanity

2 min read

Are people who have cosmetic treatments inherently vain or self-absorbed? Does caring about our appearance make us shallow?

As humans, we are very social beings and we yearn to connect with one another. Our faces play a large role in our non-verbal communication and affect the way we connect with others. The clothes we chose to wear and our normal grooming rituals take place because we want to improve our abilities to connect with others.

I don’t have vain patients who come in and are self-absorbed with how great they look in the mirror. Instead, I have patients whose faces have changed and are influencing the way that others relate to them.

For instance, some people are told they look tired when they feel energetic inside. Some people are told they look sad or mad when they feel happy inside. This disconnect between the way someone feels inside and the way they are interpreted by the outside world can be frustrating. These are the case I really enjoy helping. I love helping clean up the facial messages which aren’t working for my patients so that their appearance works better for them and the world relates to them in a better way.

If you feel your face isn’t helping you communicate in the best way, if you’re tired of looking tired and want help Restoring, Revealing, and Reclaiming your natural beauty, please contact my office and I’d be happy to help you too.