Medical Minute: Ways Women Can Treat Age Signs in the Upper Chest

2 min read

Sun damage to our skin and volume loss is one of the main signs of aging. Though it is often underappreciated, the upper chest is one of the first areas to be effected, especially in women. This area can be subject to a lot of sun exposure, resulting in wrinkled skin and ages spots, particularly in the V-neck area. This can affect a woman’s comfort in wearing scoop neck or v-neck blouses or dresses.

Fortunately, there are a number of options available to improve the appearance of this delicate skin. Spots on the chest, and all over the body, can be improved with BroadBand Light treatments, which can target red and brown spots. This treatment protocol can return spotted, uneven chest skin back to a clear, clean complexion.

The other issue affecting the upper chest is volume loss, which is most often noticed when women push their breasts together and see wrinkling in this area. Sculptra is a treatment that— when done carefully —can restore strength and vigor to the skin in this sensitive spot.

Women who notice volume changes or spotting caused by aging and sun damage in their upper chests, they can now find effective help through the use of BBL and Sculptra.