Medical Minute: What Causes Dark Circles Under the Eyes

2 min read

Our eyes have a large effect on the way other people see us in the world. Sometimes through birth and sometimes with age, our bodies can start to form dark circles under the eyes. This can make us appear old, sick, tired and sometimes as if we have had too much to drink.

What are the common causes for dark circles under the eyes?

The first and most common cause is fat pads around the eyes pushing into the lower eyelid space. The second is much rarer but is due to a lack of fat or hollowing under the eyes. The third is dark spots or pigment in the skin under the eyes. The fourth is thin skin showing redness through the lower eyelid skin. The final and fifth cause is lower eyelid Festoons and Malar Mounds catching shadows underneath the eyes.

Thankfully there are ways to treat each of these conditions. To learn more about the causes and how they can be helped, read my blog What Causes Dark Circles Under the Eyes?.

I hope you found this interesting, and I invite you come back and watch again for our next Medical Minute. Goodbye for now, and I wish each of you a beautiful day.