Medical Minute: Why Do Women Look Mad As They Age?

2 min read

As humans, we are driven to connect with one another. When we encounter another person and engage with them, our brains are constantly evaluating the other person’s face, looking for communication cues. From an early age we learn that when the corners of the mouth come up, the person we are speaking with seems to be happy, and when the corners of the mouth turn downwards we judge them as being mad, upset or sad.

Our faces age in three dimensions, and in women the aging process can cause the lower jaw to rotate backwards. As deep volume is lost, the skin in this area tends to fall into the void, creating folds from the corner of the mouth to the jawline. This simulates a frowning expression and gives many women an appearance of being mad or sad as they age. Fortunately, there are non-surgical options that use soft facial fillers to reverse these changes. They can restore a person’s face back to a natural, beautiful state.

Look at this photo. The patient calls the picture that was taken before the treatment her older, bitchy face. After my treatment she was perceived by others as being friendly and more approachable.

Why Do Women Look Mad As They Age

If you feel that your face is conveying a sense that you’re mad or sad and you’d like to make a significant improvement, contact my office for information.