Removing Under Eye Bags Leads to “Happy Feet” Dance for This Patient

6 min read

“My procedure was probably one of the best investments I have ever made. What a difference!”


Removing Under Eye Bags

Before and After Marilyn’s Procedures

Marilyn is a patient who describes herself as doing the “Happy Feet” dance every day since her procedure with Dr. Scheiner. She’d been troubled by bags under her eyes and uneven skin tone showing sunspots and other signs of aging.

Marilyn’s Story

Making the Decision

Looking back, she feels as if her appearance had begun changing as soon as her mother died. “One day I looked in the mirror after crying my eyes out. My grief was written all over my face. I was unhappy and it had impacted my appearance. I was hearing that I looked sick, I looked tired, I needed to get more sleep. The silent comments – being ignored – that was what hurt the most!”

With her class reunion coming up, she knew she had to do something. “I did not like the thought of not going, but I also didn’t like the idea of going and looking like a frump! Neither was an option. I’ve never missed a class reunion, but I was seriously considering NOT going because of the way I felt about myself.”

Research Leads to Dr. Scheiner

She began researching her options, searching the Internet and learning about different physicians and procedures, when she came upon a video of Dr. Scheiner on the Dr. Oz show.

“To my surprise, he was located just 19 miles from my home. That really got me excited! I studied his website constantly while continually looking at all the other surgeons in the local area as well as across the continent. Finally my class reunion was getting close, and my research had shown that he was the absolute best choice.”

Her first visit further confirmed her sense that she had made the right decision. “It was a combination of the information Dr. Scheiner provided when we met, and the assurances he gave me that I would look fabulous by the time my class reunion rolled around. He said there was enough healing time before my class reunion, so I went for it and I’m so glad I did. I had my surgery 11 days after my first appointment – we made it by the skin of my teeth. My only regret is that I wish I’d contacted him SOONER!”

Before and After the Procedure

“Dr. Scheiner’s staff was friendly, helpful, and trustworthy. As soon as I had my first visit I felt that this was the right choice – everything felt perfect. They gave such a warm and fuzzy feeling that I just knew I was in good hands, not only with the doctor himself but also his entire crew. Everyone really cares. They want to help make a difference in lives. They sure have made one in mine … big time!”

Marilyn was very focused on healing because of the special event she wanted to attend. She is grateful for the detailed information she was given before the procedure.

“I had prepared for the procedure and purchased the products used in the healing process. I was ready, oh was I ready. You have no idea how much I looked forward to this? I was really psyched for it, so every day I did exactly as instructed by Dr. Scheiner. During my soaks, I would meditate, I thought beautiful, loving, healing thoughts. It was a piece of cake because I had such a positive attitude. I stayed disciplined had prepared well in advance for this life changing event. And life changing it has been, more than I could have imagined. The recovery went better than expected. I just embraced it, knowing what the outcome was going to be like.” After her healing period, Marilyn says that the results exceeded her expectations. She began to see a difference just three weeks later, by the time she had finished the soaks.

A Positive Change for Her Personal and Business Lives

Asked whether the procedure was worth it, Marilyn is emphatic in her response. “It was probably one of the best investments I have ever made. What a difference it has made, in my personal life and my business life. Guys are actually opening doors for me again, and flirting with me. It’s great to feel 20 to 30 years younger! I’m being asked out on dates … imagine that! I’m told that I look much better than I do in a 10-year old picture! I’ve got them fooled! I won’t tell, and know you won’t either, it is our secret! (I don’t want my dates to know!)

I am happy, happy, happy! I keep doing the “Happy Feet” dance. Not only has it helped me get dates, it has also increased my business. I am in the health and wellness industry and the procedures have not only helped me look better and feel better, it has also given me my confidence back. The reaction I’m getting from my customers would never have happened before. It’s asad but true: people are much more attracted to attractive people. They are friendlier to attractive people and more helpful to attractive people. It’s all about the package that the gift is wrapped in. It makes a huge difference, so this was definitely an investment, not an expense. I continue to get my money’s worth.

I am constantly getting comments and questions like,

  • “Are you using new make-up? It hides the bags under your eyes!”
  • “That make-up makes you look at least 15 years younger, where do I get it?”
  • “You look so fresh and rested, you must be feeling better ‘cause you look great.”
  • “You really look good lately, you must be sleeping better.”
  • “Rest really is doing wonders for you.”

The Best of the Best

My only regret is that I didn’t move faster. I knew pretty much everything before the procedure, I just wish I hadn’t procrastinated so long. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Scheiner to anybody, whether they are local or have to come in from far away. I feel he is the best of the best. I used to fly to New York City or Indianapolis to be fitted for contact lenses, and I was prepared to do that for this procedure too. What a bonus to have Dr. Scheiner so close to me! It really doesn’t get any better than this. Once you choose Dr. Scheiner as your doctor, you will have NO regrets. Just do it, be happy, and then do the Happy Feet dance with me! Namaste!