“This surgery was without a doubt one of the best things I have ever done for myself – my results are outstanding. I turned 50 this past year and I look awesome.”

Claire’s Story
The Search for a Solution Begins
“I woke up one morning with a bump under my left eye. Initially, I thought it was due to allergies, or maybe from being tired or from fluid retention. But the bump didn’t go away that day, or any of the days that followed. Every morning I would wake up and expect it to be gone. After a few weeks I started to look into cures that I could try for myself, but there wasn’t much I could do. I don’t eat much sodium and my diet is very clean, so making nutritional adjustments wouldn’t work. Allergy medication didn’t work. I forced myself to get 8 hours of sleep a night, but that didn’t help. I even went for a face massage! Nothing helped at all. Then a few months later I woke up to find that my right eye had a matching bump — as if the one under my left eye wasn’t enough. I continued to research and try everything and anything. I saw a few cosmetic surgeons, but no one had a good answer. One doctor recommended putting Preparation-H on the bumps for temporary relief, but that didn’t help at all. I’m in great shape, eat really well and feel like a 20-year-old, but every time I looked in the mirror I saw the face of an old, tired woman.
My frustration quickly became overwhelming, but so was my determination to find a solution. Any time I had a spare minute I would do Internet research on the problem. One night in March of 2014 I was unable to sleep, so I got out of bed and turned on my computer to do more research about my under-eye puffiness.
Somehow, after two straight years of dealing with this and searching for an answer, I found a YouTube video featuring Dr. Scheiner on the Dr. Oz Show. I watched the video in awe. Dr. Scheiner was explaining my bumps and how to get rid of them!
Relief Found Close to Home
My mind started racing. I was prepared to travel to wherever Dr. Scheiner’s practice was. Imagine my delight when I Google searched and found that his office was located just 40 minutes from my house! Despite my excitement I was somehow able to get back to sleep, and a few hours later I woke up and called at 8 a.m. on the dot to try to get an appointment. One of Dr. Scheiner’s excellent staff answered the phone and told me that they’d just had a cancellation and I could be seen that morning. (There really is a God!) I went to the appointment and saw Dr. Scheiner, who explained everything to me. He told me what the lumps were and how he could get rid of them using lasers. After two years without answers, this was mind blowing to me.
Dr. Scheiner’s office staff is both knowledgeable and extremely professional. Rather than trying to rush me into surgery after my appointment, Toni suggested that I call whenever I was ready. But I said let’s book it right now, and left the office with a surgery date, a plan, and a skip in my walk. I was excited! After all, if Dr. Oz had chosen Dr. Scheiner to show the world how to get rid of my problem, why would I use anyone else?
From the time that I made my first appointment, right up through today, Dr. Scheiner and his staff have proven themselves to be both professional and very knowledgeable. They are the kindest people. They will do everything in their power to make your experience a great one. A few days after the surgery Dr. Scheiner took the bandages off and the difference was remarkable. The lumps were gone! I was so relieved. The rest of the recovery went just the way they said it would. There were no surprises or anything unexpected, and the healing time did not matter. I’d been walking around upset with how I looked for 2 long years, and it didn’t matter to me whether the recovery was a day, a week or a month. I wanted them gone.
Thrilled with Results
This surgery was without a doubt one of the best things I have ever done for myself – my results are outstanding. I turned 50 this past year and I look awesome. People are genuinely shocked when they hear my age and I understand why. I look really young, and I feel so confident about my appearance.
The only thing I would change about the entire experience is that I wish I had found Dr. Scheiner sooner. I just recommended him to a friend the other day. I told her, “You can’t trust your face to anyone else. Dr. Scheiner is the best. I know because I have been to plenty of other cosmetic surgeons.”
Thank you Dr. Scheiner, Toni, Sally and everyone else who works at Dr. Scheiner’s office. You change people’s lives in such a positive way!