Why Cutting Out Festoons Is a Mistake: How to Avoid Scarring with Effective Treatments

3 min read

woman who had eye festoons cut out

A quick Google search on Festoons treatment— how to get rid of them — can quickly lead you down a rabbit hole of suggestions.

But beware. There are plenty of sites trying to sell you on misleading myths that they can be fixed using topical treatments, non-surgical festoons treatment options, or even exercise as an effective treatmentOne of my biggest personal and professional concerns is the suggestion that these unsightly mounds be removed with conventional surgery, or that undergoing lower lid blepharoplasty will eliminate the problem.

In reality, the latter isn’t an effective Festoons treatment, and the former can leave you with an obvious scar on one of the most visible areas of your face. 

I’ve previously addressed the difference between Festoons and lower-lid eye bags, and how lower-lid blepharoplasty addresses one and not the other. But I also have real concerns about patient expectations and understanding of what a scalpel surgery answer to Festoons can mean for their appearance.

 “That’s Going to Leave a Mark”

 Known as “direct excision,” the process of cutting a Festoon out represents significant trauma to the skin and underlying tissue. Physicians promoting this method say the damage will fade or be hidden in a natural line; some offer to inject scar modulators to address the problem. In my experience, these efforts don’t help. These unfortunate outcomes are why so many doctors have thrown up their hands and declared Festoons untreatable. 

They’re wrong. 

Deep Resurfacing Laser Surgery is the Answer

Few surgeons offer a highly effective treatment for Festoons due to its skill and experience demands: deep laser resurfacing. I was fortunate to train in this with Dr. Sterling Baker, a pioneer in laser cosmetic surgery. Early in my career, Dr. Baker introduced me to various lasers, building my foundation in their powerful skin-resurfacing benefits.

Deep resurfacing laser surgery offers transformational results for Festoons.

They’ve been a real game changer.