WTSP 10 News: Pesky Festoons: Tampa Surgeon Eliminates “Baggy Eyes”

1 min read

Tired, exhausted, sad. Wilma Lewis’ eyes told a different story than what was really going on inside.

“I have been told for years, my bags are always packed,” the 68-year-old told 10 Connects.

Lewis developed a common condition called festoons, or what many of us may refer to as “bags under the eyes.” The appearance was made worse after an upper eyelid surgery about 10 years ago.

She says her doctor, Dr. Adam Scheiner, told her she should try a specialized laser he had recently developed, but she elected not to do it at the time.

“It just got worse over time,” she said…

Watch the video and read the full article to learn how Dr. Scheiner Helped!